Many race horses and their jockeys in race action with colorful masks and helmets

Alden Park's Kentucky Derby Party

Benefitting Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth


It’s time to dust off the bow ties and big hats!

Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth is beyond excited to announce that we have been selected as this year's charity partner of Alden Park Bar & Grill's annual Kentucky Derby Party! Celebrate the Kentucky Derby in style while making a difference for families in need of affordable housing.

Tickets are on sale now and will likely sell out don't wait to get yours! If you're interested in donating auction/raffle items or sponsoring the event, email Alexis at

When: Saturday, May 3, 2025 @ 3:00 PM (2:00 VIP Entry)

Where: Alden Park Bar & Grill, 160 Colony Place, Plymouth

Join us for this highly-anticipated, well-attended event for a fun afternoon while supporting affordable housing efforts in Plymouth and the surrounding area. We'll see you there!



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Alden Park logo in blue font