Alden Park's Kentucky Derby Party

Race horses and their jockeys running in a race

We are delighted to invite you to Alden Park’s Kentucky Derby Party, this year benefiting Habitat for Humanity of Greater Plymouth! Starting at 3:00 PM (VIP entry at 2:00 PM), enjoy live music, photographers, red carpet, photo booth, door prizes, 50/50 drawings, silent auction, and contests for best dressed and best derby hat. The festivities will lead up to the running of the 151st Kentucky Derby just before 7:00 PM.

For this special occasion, the restaurant will be closed to the public and transformed into a remarkable Kentucky Derby-themed venue. Dress up in your fancy dresses, hats, and seersucker suits for a fun event while supporting a great cause! We look forward to your presence at this distinguished gathering.

Visit Alden Park's Website (below) for more information and to buy your tickets today!